Welcome to Persist Lab!

Welcome to Persist (Pervasive Iintelligent Systems) Lab. We are a dynamic research group in the Department of Computer Science at Dartmouth College. Our mission is the seamless integration of intelligence into our daily lives, enabling us to better decipher the intricacies of the virtual and physical worlds surrounding us. We develop and evaluate innovative solutions at the intersection of natural language processing, human-AI interaction, and machine learning. Our research leverages complex and diverse multi-modal data, ranging from Electronic Health Records to social media posts and sensor data, to enhance human cognition and decision-making.
If you are interested in joining Persist Lab, please check our Openings page.

News and Announcements

9 December, 2023
Our paper accepted at AAAI-2024! Congratulations to Omar and other co-authors.
October, 2023
2 papers accepted to EMNLP 2023 from our group!
20 October, 2023
Our paper titled "Text Encoders Lack Knowledge: Leveraging Generative LLMs for Domain-Specific Semantic Textual Similarity" was just accepted to the Generation, Evaluation & Metrics (GEM) Workshop co-located with EMNLP 2023! Well done Joey, Parker, and Omar!
6 October, 2023
Our paper titled "Statistical Depth for Ranking and Characterizing Transformer-Based Text Embeddings" was just accepted to EMNLP 2023! Congratulations, Parker!
6 October, 2023
Our paper titled "Chain-of-Thought Embeddings for Stance Detection on Social Media" was just accepted to EMNLP 2023! Congratulations, Joey, and Omar!
21 August, 2023
Congratulations to Joey for successfully passing his Research Presentation Exam (RPE).
15 July, 2023
One paper accepted at ICWSM-2024. Congratulations to Will, Omar, Madhu, and other authors!
26 June, 2023
Congratulations to Parker for presenting his paper in ICHI-23.
5 June, 2023
Congratulations to Joey and Parker for presenting their papers (Paper-1, Paper-2) in ICWSM-23.
10 September, 2022
Welcome to our new PhD students, Madhusudan Basak and Omar Sharif! Omar is also one of the two Presidential Fellows at Dartmouth, CS. Congratulations, Omar!
21 August, 2022
Welcome to Lutz Lu, Vasavi Garimella, Dae Lim Chung, Vasavi Garimella, Garrett Johnston, Burke Jaeger, Love Tsai, Zhanel Nugmanova, who have joined the PersistLab!
22 May, 2022
Congratulations to Parker on being named a Guarini PhD Innovation Fellow.